Monday, December 16, 2013

BUH BYE 2013

It's growing near to the end of 2013. I refuse to make those superficial goals everyone is posting on their facebook.
 "In 2014 im going to lose 50 pounds"
"In 2014 im going to go to church every weekend"
"In 2014 im going to ride in a spaceship"
"Out with the old in with the new"


Don't people realize only the year changes??
Not people, not personalities...there's definitely no end of the year surge to checking accounts, or finally willing to commit and be faithful new and improved 2014 spouses, or new thin hollywood red carpet bodies.

ITS JUST ANOTHER YEAR..... with new beginnings.

Now begin!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Attack of the Toilet

So today I let loose...
I emptied my trunk and the cup runneth over...
What do you do when the water is coming so close to the edge
Do you stand and watch?
or do you pretend that this is not happening right now...
So I played Misses Plumber all night
The toilet hates me...
It attacked and attacked...
hitting with fatal strikes that caused me to abort the mission
This wasn't made for me
I need something more.....heavy duty
It's out of order now
I guess it won this battle.......for now

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Yes I'm GAY...

                                            .........SO WHAT!!!

Sometimes you just want that one support system..
All I want is respect for who I am.
I don't need permission for who I love.
Or judgement
or stones thrown against my already weak body
I'm fighting and the battle is...hard
But it's not over
I'm determined to win
and to rejoice
I have no white flag
I have a rainbow one though
which I wear proudly.
And it's wet with spit 
but I still wave it HIGH
and if you don't understand me
I know millions who will...
and I will not run and hide
this gay self
this gay me
is loud and proud
and dare to dream
about life 
and I live
and I hurt and I cry
but I rise
whens words are thrown
and I dodge the bullets as they slam against the wall beside me
I write my name above the holes with my gay hands
My name is Britney
and I am what I am
and you are who you are

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So I live in a new area now. It's time to wash these clothes. I'm walking to the Clean Rite laundromat down the block. (Thinking: Well all i'll need is 3 dollars because thats all I used to do laundry at my old YES i'll have money to pig out on some chinese food later on. )
Walk into Laundromat...hmmmm it's pretty big...billions of machines...and hey not a lot of people is here so YAYYYY.
Walk over to machine....WAIT...the machine doesn't take's one of those fancy 2011 uses card. OK, so i'm going to put my 3 dollars on card.
..........Reading sign over machine.....WAIT FIVE DOLLARS....I HAVE TO PUT 5 DOLLARS ON THE DAMN CARD!!!!! (breathe, breathe, breathe, WOOSAAA WOOOSAAA)
I put 5 dollars on the card...okay i'm over it...
Damn! $2.25 for the damn small machine!!! I payed $1.50 at my old one.. (breathe, breathe, breathe)
I get over it.
I'm putting my clothes in the machine.....close door...put my card in slot.



I just put $5 dollars on this card.....maybe the machine made a mistake....walk over to girl.

Me: Hey I just put money on this card... and the machine is $2.25 so I should have...(thinks) $2.75 left but it says I have 75 cents left.
Girl: (points at sign)

                            $2.00 for card
$2.00 would be refunded if card is returned.

                               Looks around for cameras because I really was about too....


Clothes finish

Walk over to dryer.....

.........FOR 8 MINUTES?????

Never would I ever!



Chinese or Pizza???


I'm sorry I haven't updated for awhile. I've just been busy being something I wish I was never diseased with....being a damn adult. I recently turned 22 and i've been battling moving out of my parents house..well I DID!!! and it sucks...not too much...just the "getting my own stuff" part. Like now when I walk into stores I think about pot, pans, toilet paper, paper towels etc... Who would of ever think of me the electronic loving nerd to think about these things I barely use on a daily basis.
My mom and I recently visited Bed, Bath and Beyond and I was all googled eyed over this zebra print shower curtain and these zebra printed hand towels. I don't know what's going on with me.....i'm slowly walking over to the other side......WOMANHOOD *screams*

I really hope you guys don't see me staring at washers and dryers soon....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Homo-phobia among homos


                                   "EW, that's gay"- Stud
                                   "That's nasty"- Fem
Are you serious?

After all the sh%t the gay community has to go through already with today's closed minded we have to do it to ourselves?

Can everyone just live and choose who they want to be with.....can everyone refrain from judging everyone else's actions?

Lets live in peace.

Let me choose ...

you choose....

But please let us not do it too ourselves.

I am WOMAN who love WOMAN
We are ...
...the same

Stud, fem, AG, Ag fem, gay, bisexual, transexual,lesbian, homo, Lesbian...
The million things we call ourselves

Our fight is the same

We all just want to Love

Whoever we choose.


Friday, March 18, 2011


So this blog is basically me venting about this trending topic that has made it on twitter #whitepeoplestink
This morning I'm browsing through my timeline and I kept seeing my black followers laugh and joke about it. I'm sorry to be a party stopper but I found it very problematic. So I posted on my twitter...

"I can't believe #whitepeoplestink is a trending topic
but if #blackpeoplestink was a trending 
Al Sharpton."

Some random follower responded with,

"Considering the crappy stereotypical TT's that end up on twitter all the time,
"blackpeoplestink is mild for example
 (#itaintrape, #hoodhoe, #thingsblackgirldo, #uncletomreporter)"

So what she's telling me is because of all the stereotypical trending topics aimed towards black people what's so wrong with lashing back against white people with #whitepeoplestink????????

ASSUMING that "white" people even started those trending topics makes a ASS out of YOU and ME.
When on my very own timeline my followers were laughing and joking about #thingsblackgirlsdo, #itaintrape and #hoodhoe.

Trendistic, which ranks Twitter trends, marked the most popular trend one day as #hoodhoes (and its similar tag, #hoodhoe). For 16 hours, users tweeted their definitions of a "hood hoe":
"If you only get paid when yo baby daddy get paid #hoodhoe"
"I like #hoodhoe they get a discount on they rent and they always got food in the fridge foodstamps lol"
"#hoodhoe emergency kit= leggings, track glue, cab phone number, ebt card, rush visa card, boost mobile phone and pre paid legal"
 The fact that #hoodhoes was a hot talking point for 16 hours lets us know that people are co-signing and spreading the message, especially BLACK YOUTH.
All it takes to start up a trending topic is a famous person with a lot of followers. When Lil Duval  (BLACK comedian) started #itaintrape. He was able to spread his misogynistic statements and allow others to get in on the action. Let me remind you he has over a million followers...80 percent of his followers are young, black teenagers.
"#itaintrape if you pay for it first …
"#itaintrape if I fly u in"
"#itaintrape if I bout you popcorn and a drink … then u Didnt eat it"
The violent tweets inspired by Lil Duval were condemned by the masses, but there were more than enough people who helped spread his ignorance and create a "black Twitter" for the day.

So you tell me whose building these stereotypes on twitter...
The same person sitting on their computer and phone tweeting and re-tweeting the ignorance made by themselves or by someone else.
But I refuse to support ignorance by joining in #whitepeoplestink, by me joining in that rant I'm giving someone permission to come back at me my race.
Remember in the playground you go back and forth with your school mate calling each other names?
Why are we playing that game on a social networking site with our race, shit...with our oppressors.
Don't you see who these "racist" trending topics mostly target though...whose the laughing stock of twitter?

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, top trending topics included #mlk, #mlkday and #ihaveadream. At least for one day positivity and not ignorance was spread on twitter.
Tweet smart ...don't be LITERALLY a follower.